
Our Team

Check our amazing team of yogis below…

Kylie Harris (RYT-500, E-RYT200, YACEP Provider)

Kylie Rook is a Yoga Medicine Registered Therapeutic Specialist.  E-RYT 500, E-RYT 200 and YACEP provider.  She has more than 1000 hours of training and almost 20 years of personal practice under her belt.  

Her experience, training and knowledge is evident in the classes and workshops she leads.With a teaching style totally her own, Kylie understands the body from a Western perspective and fuses that with the tradition of yoga to enhance the lives of her students.

Her classes bring an intelligent understanding of anatomy, physiology, and the human condition, paired with classical yogic philosophy and Chinese Medicine.She also holds a Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Dance and has completed more than 20 individual yoga trainings with some of the worlds preeminent Yoga Teachers and Training Schools.She has also spent more than 10 years working as a Post Production Supervisor in Film and TV so she has an understanding of how yoga can help stressful office environments, improve focus, productivity and the health of employees.

Kylie delights in teaching and is a natural born teacher able to lead both beginners and advanced practitioners safely.  She also has a passion for neuroscience and how yoga can assist with conditions such as anxiety, depression and other psychosomatic conditions.

Her warmth, enthusiasm for yoga and guidance will inspire you to keep coming back to the mat.

Ally Moore

Yoga found Ally during a two year solo sojourn through the depths of South East Asia and India in 2017. She was immediately hooked on the philosophical and energetic aspects of the practice and headed straight for Rishikesh, India – the believed birthplace of yoga – where she jumped into a 200-hour Astanga Vinyasa training. Upon returning to Aotearoa, Ally found her home at Om Yoga Studio, where she completed her second 200-hour training in 2019. Movement has always come naturally to Ally, who has spent most of her life as a competitive jazz and contemporary dancer. She is enthralled by the psychology of wellbeing, and the path of yoga that allows students to delve deep and uncover layers of themselves. Her sequences are influenced by these elements and are interwoven with themes that encourage participants to become curious about all aspects of life. Ally’s classes are interlaced with meditation, energy work and grounding practices, with movement based elements that are designed to help practitioners explore how each individual, unique body moves. Ally has a degree in communication with a focus on interpersonal and intercultural engagements, and offers clear and personable guidance. Learning is Ally’s true passion, and she is currently furthering her yoga education towards a 300-hour certification at Om Yoga Studio as well as studying towards a degree in Psychotherapy.

Lisa Eliott

Lisa completed her 200hr training and has simultaneously completed some of her 300hr training both through OM. She developed a deep love for yoga when she stepped into the Studio, not really knowing the significance of the journey she was about to embark on. She soon discovered that yoga is not just an asana practice, but a journey to discovering the self. It’s a completely embodied practice that is invaluable on and off the mat. Lisa enjoys guiding a strong, physical sequence, encouraging everyone to meet themselves where they are at from a curious, nurturing perspective. She loves the deeper philosophic aspects of the yoga practice and enjoys weaving these into her classes as well as a passion for the creative process involved in sequencing a class. Being a mother of 3 has been her greatest passion for the last 19 years and Lisa is a firm believer that every encounter has a lesson if we are open to the experience and enjoys teaching from this aspect, learning lessons from her students and children as she teaches hers. She is dedicated to forever being a student and a teacher, continually learning and discovering.

Erin Kielo

A “Caniwi” of 16 years, Erin joined Om yoga in 2018.

Her interest in yoga began in 2004 while living in Queenstown. Erin was searching for something beyond a work-out and a friend suggested the local yoga class. Not knowing what yoga was or how it worked, Erin felt anew after a single class, and her yoga journey was sparked.

Erin kept up a personal practice, practicing at Om yoga when she moved to Auckland.

After many years in the corporate world and finding life less than fulfilling, Erin threw in her job and left for Bali to complete her 200-hour teacher training with Zuna Yoga in 2016. The focus of study was via the ancient practices of the tantric tradition Sri Vidya, as well as the traditions of Hatha yoga. Sri Vidya is the science of being, or more simply the science of self mastery, encompassing the knowledge of self within the connectivity of all that in the universe.

Upon returning to Auckland from Bali, Erin was still feeling the nerves to take the plunge into teaching. Enter Sandey Hoskin of Om Yoga and Inspire Teacher Training. After completing Inspire Teacher Training’s 300 hour sequencing module, it was Sandey’s support and belief in Erin that empowered her to actually teach. And teach she did! You’ll find Erin at Om three days a week, guiding students through breath and energetic awareness practices, along with physical asana practices in order to develop mastery of our self and to therefore live powerfully in our lives.

Erin’s teaching style is all about energetics as well as connection – to your own self, to those around you and to that which is greater than all of us and within all of us. Erin brings a supportive and loving nature to her teaching creating a safe and supportive environment while the students explore their practice. Erin’s classes tend toward slower vinyasa/flow or hatha and always include breathwork, meditation and a long savasana.

Erin is currently completing her 300-hour training under the tutelage of Sandey Hoskin of Inspire Yoga Teacher Training.

Erin lives in Auckland, by way of Queenstown and Milton, Ontario Canada.

Louise McKee

My Career as a nurse is now coming to an end after 40 years. It has been my life for such a long time and I have been grappling with letting it go for a year or two now and have finally done so.

I have decided to focus more on my yoga journey. Over the past 4 years I have completed 500 hours of yoga training with Inspire Yoga Teacher Training ( under the wonderful guidance of Sandey Hoskin and Kylie Harris). I remember the beginning of this journey which all started at OM. Finding that learning never came easily to me so I was very apprehensive, It didn’t take long to realise that when you were passionate about something things flowed more naturally

Since completion of these hours I have done a 100 hr immersion training with Embody Flow yoga and have completed a Trauma Somatic therapy training with Embody Lab. A Somatic training in the tradition of Thomas Hana and am presently part way through a year long programme with Gabor Mate in Compassionate Inquiry. It has most certainly been a transformative 4 years and the journey continues.

Om is a beautiful space to practice from and I look forward too and welcome you all to my classes.

Dawn Frazer

I started using yoga to help me recover my strength, both physically and emotionally after a period of prolonged illness. I have now been teaching yoga for 5 years and and hold Yoga Alliance designations as an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher, and a Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher.

My adult yoga classes incorporate a number of different yoga genres and other modalities.  I encourage my students to adapt their yoga practice to suit their own body and teach a more functional approach to yoga. Whatever the type of yoga class being taught, I focus on providing a relaxed atmosphere to allow each member of the class receive whatever it is that they need from their practice that day.

I have trained in Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Psychosomatics, Anatomy & Physiology, The Functional Approach to Yoga (Paul Grilley), Hansa Yoga, Rainbow Kids Yoga and Teen Yoga. I have also trained in other ‘Wellness’ therapies (Sound Healing, Reiki, Crystal Healing and Thai Yoga Massage) – all of which I can now incorporate into my teaching when called for.

Yoga provides me with space to disconnect from ‘the busy’ and connect to myself, the opportunity to explore and question what is going on in my body and my headspace.  As a teacher, it is a privilege to be able to share that tool with others who are searching for their own ‘clarity’.

Hana Kim

Hana weaves in philosophies of chinese medicine, meridian lines, biomechanics and more into her teachings to fully immerse into the world of energetics and physical embodiment.

Hana has been practicing Yoga for over 7 years and is incredibly passionate about body awareness through a movement practice as she used to do martial arts and musical dance. Her classes are all about educating and informing her students about increasing body awareness which supports deepening your yoga practice to allow for different physical, emotional and mental experiences as she acknowledges the uniqueness of each and every individual.

Nicole Veith

Nicole has been teaching at a Yoga studio in Newmarket for more than 8 years now. In the meantime, she completed additional Yoga teacher trainings including Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Mental Health Aware Yoga. 

Why does Nicole practice and teach Yoga?

The very ordinary answer to this question is that ‚practicing Yoga simply makes her feel good. The body feels toned, flexible and agile and the mind feels calm, steady and at ease. 

And what Nicole really likes about Yoga is that the experience does not end on the mat. 

Nicole takes those wonderful teachings into her daily life and this helps her to navigate challenging situations more skillfully and gracefully. And she always finds it amazing when modern research and science nods to what those Indian dudes have been talking about for thousands of years. 

Nicole’s wish is that you get to experience the same wonderful benefits of Yoga in your life, too.

Nikki Tugnet

Nikki describes yoga as a healing balm that keeps you grounded through tumultuous times. As a Rheumatologist (a doctor that specialises in arthritis and autoimmune health issues), she values yoga as a complementary system of healthcare.

Nikki enjoys teaching Yin-Yang, Hatha, Yin and Mindful Flow yoga and invites her students to embrace the healing nature of breath in each class. She promotes the MindBody Connection as the key to wellbeing. She encourages yoga for ALL bodies, regardless of age, body shape or medical conditions and provides a safe and supported space in which to explore your MindBody Connection.

Nikki completed her 200-hour teacher training with Inspire Yoga and is doing her 300-hour training with Yoga Medicine. She integrates her roles as a Rheumatologist and as an accessible yoga teacher by providing one-to-one or group class therapeutic yoga for health.


Laura Trundle

Laura is fascinated by the movement mechanics of the body. As an international puppeteer and motion capture performer she is experienced at holding unusual poses for an awkwardly long time!

Her decision to study yoga teacher training came as an extention of her interest in physical movement. As she learnt more about philosophy her passion blossomed and Laura transitioned from practitioner to teacher. 

Starting with a 200hr Power Yoga training based in the Baron Baptist principles, Laura’s personal yoga journey has taken her to explore many styles of yoga. She currently teaches Yin, Power and more recently Vinyanasa – allowing a freer exploration of the practice. Her classes embrace the idea that a more advanced practice does not mean complicated poses but a greater awareness of your body.

Alongside yoga Laura teaches mindfulness meditation which beautifully aligns with her yogic style. She looks forward to meeting you on your mat. 

With love, 


Paula Guy

Paula is a Yin Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner and Sound Therapist. 

With a genuine love of people and all living things, she found herself naturally drawn to healing from a young age and worked as a Registered Nurse in Scotland for 22 years before moving to New Zealand. 

Becoming came aware of the profound healing effect of yoga during her first yoga experience, Paula uses her practice as a tool to navigate the stress and complexities of life. 

After completing her initial 200hr Yoga teacher training, went on to study Hatha Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Restorative Yoga but found her true passion in Yin Yoga and believes the practice is beneficial for all improving not only physical and mental well being but offering space to realise and connect to our true nature and essence.

Paula loves to combine Yin Yoga and Reiki Healing and finds the combination to be very complimentary, soothing and deeply nourishing. 

The use of sound came naturally as a way to further manipulate energy while holding healing space for people individually or in groups. 

As a certified Sound Therapy Practitioner, Paula uses various instruments over or on the physical body and the soothing sustained sounds create a state of deep relaxation. 

She looks forward to sharing Yin Reiki and Sound with you and embracing harmony and vibrant living together 

Instagram – yinreikisound

Becca Lawton

Originally from California, Becca’s yoga journey started at Santa Monica Power Yoga in Los Angeles when she was 17 years old. She fell in love with how it made her feel, and knew she wanted to explore this beautiful practice further once she was a bit older.

Fast forward to February 2021, when Becca completed her 200 hour Embodied Flow Yoga Teacher Training with Adele Kinghan & Sarah Hon in Auckland (RISE Yoga). She has since completed trainings and workshops in Yin, Myofascial Release and Vinyasa. Becca has been teaching at Om since January 2022 which has been a dream of hers after having previously been a student at Om.

Yoga has and continues to be a powerful practice that guides her back home to herself. Becca feels privileged to be able to share yoga with others and is passionate about creating a safe space for students to deepen their connection to themselves on the mat. Her teaching style is supportive, invitational and encouraging.

Becca teaches Vinyasa, Power Yoga, Yin and Yin Yang.

Alison Feng

Alison loves music and has been collecting vinyl since she was a young adult. Her collection got so large that every time she moved house, she’d have to shift more than 10 crates of records.  Her record collection eventually led to back pain, and she turned to Iyengar yoga for relief.

A few years later, she found and fell in love with Vinyasa. Alison became a regular at OM when she worked nearby, and you’ll still spot her at Kylie’s classes any chance she gets. 

Redundancy from her career at Sky TV was Alison’s dharma to take her love of yoga to the next level. She flew to Perth and completed her 200hr with Erica Davis (who used to teach at OM) as her YTT teacher.  Currently, Alison is studying 300hr training modules with Kylie and Sandey. 

True to her personality, Alison’s dynamic yoga classes are fun, sprinkled with a few jokes and occasionally spicy.  She might just make you laugh a few times while you work on some serious stuff on the mat. 

Angeli Kapoor

Inspired by her fascination for anatomy, physiology and functional movement practices such as primal movement, calisthenics and strength training, whilst exploring all different kinds of movement practices from martial arts to gymnastics in her youth, Angeli’s classes are all about embodiment practices. She is enthusiastic about learning and discovering new ways to increase body awareness and is incredibly passionate about diving deep into understanding more about the self, personal development and weaves her own personal stories into the class which make them relatable. Her presence is heartfelt, down-to-earth and real, holding the space in a caring, supportive way even when she takes you through challenging flows. Angeli realised in her own body that by building up the strength, mobility and flexibility, it becomes easier over time to be more in ‘flow state’ during practice to fully bear witness to everything that arises from within.

Angeli has done her 200hr Teacher Training with Sandey and Kylie and is currently being mentored by Mari-Halina Colbert.

Mallari Martin

Originally from Seattle, WA, USA. Mallari began practicing yoga in 2017 while residing in the Bahamas. She was hooked after her first class, finding herself filled with curiosity and excitement to learn new poses. 

Mallari took a range of classes including Vinyasa, Yin, Nidra, and Aerial. Before she knew it, yoga had completely transformed her life both on and off the mat. She quickly realized that the physical practice was only a small part of yoga and knew she was on a path of self discovery. 

Mallari lives in New Zealand with her kiwi husband and French Bulldog since 2019 where she began practicing at Om Studios. Mallari completed her 200 hour teacher training through Inspire Yoga Training. She enjoys guiding classes that are fun and approachable, with a strong physical aspect while guiding you on your own path to self discovery.

Tracey Gimblett

I am an escape artist.
And I create an escape haven for the body, mind and soul.
My classes are an extension of my yoga practice.
Join me on your mat; For sharing, discovery and transformation.
Let’s Escape.

In my yoga story I have studied and work shopped with Ana
Forrest, Noah Maze, Rocky Heron and Amy Ippoliti.
I completed a Level 1 Purna Yoga training at Byron Yoga
Centre. Which I followed with my level 1 Teachers Training
With Om Yoga Studio and Teacher Development program with
Nikki Ralston. I have continued with my development and
completed a Yin and MFR training with Jo Phee.

Bronwyn Mackie

Bronwyn has been travelling and living abroad abroad for the last 11 years and has finally settled back in her home town of Auckland 

Working on board super yachts for a lot of that time whilst taking extended periods of time out of the Industry. 

Spending one year living and studying in India where she gained her 200 and 300 hours certifications in hatha and Ashtanga in 2017/18 

Working with various teachers and different styles completely immersing her self in the yogic way of life.

Spending a year living in Mexico during covid times (boarders were shut everywhere else) studying a further 150 hours of yin, yoga nidra, sound bath and reiki master certified and exploring the plant medicine of ayahuascha. 

Whilst offering private yoga sessions. 

Returning to super yachts to teach on board for another few years and then onto a private island in the Caribbean, a private golf course in Mangawhai, a studio in Thailand and volunteering weekly at a drug and alcohol rehab.

Sharing a traditional Hatha practice that always includes pranayama and meditation with a strong focus on alignment. 

Bronwyn loves to help students advance their practices with developing and offering inversions whilst conveying the true essence of yoga in a safe and relatable way. 

She is a Vipassana meditator and has attended three 10 day courses taught in silence. 

As a life long student of yoga continuing to learn and develop. 

She has a back ground and love for fitness/strength and conditioning and is also a trained Mat and Reformer Pilates instructor.

Emily Pointon

Originally from Australia, my yoga journey began in my late teenage years following a sporting injury. After my very first class at a small studio in Brisbane, I was hooked and 10 years later I am now passing on this love through teaching. I completed my 200hr YTT in 2020 and am currently under the mentorship of Kylie Rook who is helping me further develop my capabilities as a teacher. What brought me to yoga has largely inspired how I create and teach my classes so that they are both nourishing and challenging. Every ‘body’ is different so how we each move through our practice will be a unique journey which is both invitational and an exploration of self. I love the physical challenges of a good asana, but mind body awareness is what makes the practice transformational.

I look forward to sharing in your yoga journey and can’t wait to meet you on the mat!

I teach Vinyasa and Hatha classes.

Kerry-Lyn Fletcher

The practise of yoga has been a pivotal and anchoring aspect of Kerry’s life for the last 8 years,.

Curiosity led her to complete her 200hr YTT in 2021. She began teaching in 2022, exploring body and breath awareness through Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin. Kerry has deepened her knowledge with additional training in YIn Yoga and recently completed 300hr YTT with RAW Yoga.

Yoga is a powerful practice in Kerry’s life,  It provides not only physical benefits but feeling more balanced mentally and emotionally. Yoga creates space in life to explore and question what is going on in the body, breath and mind; helping to gain a greater sense of connection to our body, understanding of  ‘Who I am’ and live with a little more ease, joy and contentment.

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self”.

The Bhagavad Gita


My yoga journey started back in 2015 in the heat of Thailand with my first Bikram class, a challenging but transformative experience.

I continued my journey in Ukraine, exploring Ashtanga yoga and diving deep into Vinyasa. ?

In 2022, I earned my 200-hour yoga certification on the serene shores of Bali’s Lembongan Island, specializing in Ashtanga and Vinyasa, with a profound focus on breathwork. ?Yoga is not just a practice; it’s a way of life.

Vanessa Heath

Vanessa started practicing & studying yoga over thirty years ago while working long hours in London – enjoying the way it helped her find both mental focus and balance away from corporate stress.  Vanessa has travelled extensively and is lucky enough to have trained with some of the world’s most renowned yoga teachers – studying vinyasa, meditation, advanced yin & anatomy, pre/post natal yoga & reiki. 

Vanessa is passionate about delivering a fun & challenging class – exploring the relationship between movement & stillness.  She is excited about being home and sharing her passion for yoga, breath and healing. 

Anne Corbett

I have a Bachelor of Education in Physical Education & Health and a Diploma in Teaching. After teaching from primary to secondary level, in management roles and coaching for over 15 years, I owned a community fitness centre and also established CoreBalance Pilates (& now Functional Breathing) Studio. For over 10 years, I have seen how Pilates and Functional Breathing has helped so many clients and myself. I always enjoyed running, triathlons, the outdoors, playing sport, skiing, but through various injuries and niggles, I was concerned I may have to give up what I love doing. Pilates has allowed clients & me to keep doing all that we love. You feel stronger within, build a stable core, help protect yourself against injuries, create balance and feel more upright! In Pilates, you are exercising mindfully, being in tune with your body to connect the right muscles, with the right form to function well. Our body is the one home we will live in our whole life, so we want to look after it. I am grateful to be able to continue being active and more recently push myself into ultra running I never dreamed to be doing.

Breathing education has been an interest for over 15 years and I hold an Advanced Instructors Certificate in the Oxygen Advantage method. Throughout my life, I have delved into mindfulness, meditation and many other relaxation techniques. I was born into a family who practised meditation. When we are in over-drive, it can be a challenge to get off that spinning wheel. Our mind is great for problem solving, but not when we’re in a fight/flight state. How good is it to be confident you have the tools within you to balance your nervous system. Breathing is often a reflection of the state we are in and our portal to changing this when we need to. We can help balance our autonomic nervous system through how we breathe. Functional breathing can be instrumental in improving our quality of life, performance, & how we as humans navigate this fun, at times fast-paced, rollercoaster world we live in!

I have seen the positive physical and psychological benefits Pilates and Functional Breathing can have and I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge. Humans are capable of so much when our systems are working well and we’re feeling balanced.

We can often live oblivious to how good we can feel, how strong we can be inside and out. With practise you feel these for yourself. I have been committed to being with clients on that journey for over 10 years as I know it makes a difference. I look forward to working with you at Om Yoga.

Pamela Kaur Sidhu

“Pamela was first introduced to yoga during her professional dance training at the New Zealand School of Dance. During her studies, and since graduating in 2012, she has worked with Black Grace Dance Company, The New Zealand Dance Company, The Lion King (Australian Tour) and The Lion King (Netherlands).

Throughout her career Pamela developed a strong and personal yoga and pilates practice which she believes has sustained the health of her body and mind. Preventing injuries; assisting with muscle recovery; and offering a place of refuge, from the fast pace of everyday life, to slow down and reconnect.

To take her practice further she completed a 200hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Spain with Frog Lotus Yoga. She taught in Amsterdam for two years before returning home to Auckland in 2018. Upon returning she was mentored in the Xtend Barre syllabus through Studio Three. Along with her artistic endeavours, she continues to teach Yoga, Barre and Mat Pilates, and loves that she gets to invite and guide others to journey on the same thoughtful enquiry of their bodies and minds.”


Shop 16, Stonefields Market
40 Stonefields Ave
Stonefields Auckland 1072


(09) 212 9579